Sunday, April 11, 2010

I don't think I am

People call me weird. I am not sure why(research takes awhile).Maybe it is because that instead of having a bowl or buzz haircut, I take advantage of gel and comb my hair. My mom always told my brothers and I how much she had to sacrafice so that our hair would be the way it is today, strong and plentiful. She followed an old wive's tale from her country that involved eating unborn chicken fetuses(more than one).

It worked, I viewed old baby pictures of my brothers and me and all of us had a full patch of hair coming out of my mother's womb. My mother didn't try to make us cuter by messing with our hair(even though she could have since we couldn't disagree with her at the time) No, she kept it in its natural state or in a church appropriate manner.Which is kind of unorthodox of her...

You see my mom loves taking pictures.

If you and your friend are both wearing blue shirts, you have just earned a yourself a picture taken by my mom( and trust me it has happened before). Anyways, it always suprised me that even as crazy as my mom is for a good photo opportunity, it never occured to her that she could have given us Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley hairdos.

Anyways back to the main story.You can see that my mom treasure our hair very much and you could probably understand why she wasn't too pleased when she found out that my father shaved my oldest brother's hair. She packed him ,their only child at the time, up to her sister's house and shunned my dad.

Poor lonely dad.

It's okay though. They eventually made up after a month,my brother's hair grew back,and they had three more children.

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